DBTarzan works in these environments.
To install DBTarzan is very easy, since it is one executable file. Download;
DBTarzan-Install-XXX.exe for Windows.
An installer for Windows. Download it and execute it. If you get the message “Windows Smartscreen Defender prevented an unrecognized app from starting” click on MoreInfo and then Run anyway to run it. The DBTarzan application is built directly from the code in and does not attempt to violate the security of your system. This installation file was created with Launch4j and with NSIS.
dbTarzan_X.XX_all.deb for debian based Linuxes.
This installs as a Debian package automatically insuring that all the dependencies are instaled as well. for MacOS.
The file is not signed, therefore you need to confirm you want to open it. Move the downloaded file to the directory where it is supposed to be executed; in the finder open the context menu with the right mouse button on the DBTarzan app file and press Open. When the file is opened in this way, the dialog that appears needs you to confirm that you want to open the file, but allows you to open it. After this it will be possible to open it just by double-clicking on it.
The installation file is a simple zip file containing the DBtarzan app directory. The directory contains the DBTarzan jar (dbtarzan-XXX-assembly.jar), a Java 11 jre installation, the launcher script universalJavaApplicationStub and a configuration file (Info.plist). The app is built using jar2app.
dbtarzan-XXX-assembly_YYY.jar file for the other OSes.
XXX is the version and YYY is the OS (windows, linux, mac). Create a directory and move the downloaded file to it. In this case you need to install Java yourself if it is not installed. Being this a simple jar file, it should be just a matter of double-clicking on it to let it start. It can also be used to solve problems connecting to databases.
It is also possible to install it as a snap on all the Linuxes where snap is available.
Once you installed DBTarzan, you can connect to a database.